20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies….”
Through lifeless branches swaying….
The frozen ground beneath us….
Halting life’s ability to progress.
Winter symbolizes death so poetically, doesn’t it?
The frigid winds that whip through our clothes are as painful as the……
Empty, hollow, and bitter feelings that often fill our hearts and minds in times of grief
Death seems to be painted all around us in winter scenes.
Everything seems hopeless when the once-lush ground seems to have been swallowed up by winter’s hunger.
As time passes, we learn to accept this phase of life called winter. Sometimes even embracing its beauty as we realize it is part of God’s natural order of things.
Then something happens.
Something miraculous.
One day we look and SURE ENOUGH! Life is bursting forth where death seemed to have taken hold!
Colors appear through the brownness of the landscape! Yellows, blues, greens, purples……..promising color to our drab lives of winter!
I just love springtime! It reminds me that death truly has no power over life…..
God makes all things new…………..flowers, trees, bushes………and US!!
Death has no hold on plants. It definitely has no hold on us!
I find these words so comforting when I think of my sweet Nick. Oh, the emptiness of life without him. And yet I believe that just as tiny flowers miraculously appear after a long, hard winter, Christians arise from death to live a new and beautiful life with Him in Heaven.
Olivia and her friend Cameron helped me photograph our first signs of spring in Grayson this year!!
We were dropping some things off at church for an upcoming yard sale when we noticed some tiny little flowers popping through the cold, hard ground right near the edge of the sidewalk…..
It was so exciting!
As we looked around we noticed other signs of spring popping up through piles of leaves!
Peeking through….
Promising new life…..
I think the miracle of spring is one of the things God was talking about when He said that His eternal power can be seen in nature….making men “without excuse.”
So, if you’re doubting whether there is life after death…..
Take a walk and see what’s happening as winter melts away and spring goes on display!
It’s God’s way of saying……..
I have the final word on death…….
And it is LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clinging to Spring’s Promise,
Yes!!!…death has been swallowed up in victory!!1 Corinthians 15:54
Praise the Lord! LOVE the pics and the reminder!
I have been at KCU for the tournament this weekend! I was hoping to see you but someone said you were at your mom’s…Have a blessed time!
In Christ,
I just love Spring too….You are just so Amazing!! If that is Olivias hand, she should definately play the piano or something. What long beautiful fingers. xoxo Charlotte
I love spring too! Even in winter, after the leaves have fallen I can see the buds on my magnolia tree, just waiting for the right time to open. It is the first thing in my yard besides the daffodils to bloom. It is so beautiful and so fragrant but it never lasts very long. I remember thinking of your Nick this winter as I looked at my tree, already seeing signs of the new life hidden in the buds that will become such beautiful flowers. I love how nature echoes the promise of eternal life, the cycles of the seasons– all of it is right there for anyone to see and recognize. Besides my kids, I have learned the most about God by working outside in my garden. I guess it isn’t suprising that a lot of the parables were analogies using gardening and/or nature as examples. Tammy, I just loved this post!
Love you Tami!!!!
Soooo then! I found out you were at Beth moore’s Minister’s wives event…I hope you have a simply blessed time…I LOVE HER! I cannot wait till I meet her in Heaven and can sit and have a cup of Starbucks with her…haha! Ernie said you guys were in like the second row or something…I was in the 3rd in Billings Montana this past fall…I was soooo excited to see her, then I realized how much I put her on a pedestal a little bit…so to bring myself back around I thought, “If I am THIS excited to see Beth, who has brought the Word alive to me, how much more excited will I be to see the Word in flesh before me!” How exciting of a day will that be…When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!!!”
Thankk you for the sneak preview. Watching the buds fight their way through the hard, dead ground is one of my favorite sights in the world.
I will be posting my first glimpse–but in Wisconsin, I may have a bit of a wait.
Thank you for the HOPE!! It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming. It’s Winter in Wisconsin, but Spring is coming!