God longs to be heard……

I’ve been encircled all afternoon with a variety of books, my Bible, several notebooks, old prayer journals, and an ink pen. I’m always amazed at how God can pull together so many different thoughts and Scriptures when I am still and listen. But, the...

Please pray……

Do you ever turn around and realize that there are so many people hurting, sad, confused, and lonely, and find yourself feeling overwhelmed? That’s how I feel today. Overwhelmed with the trials of this life. And even more overwhelmed with God’s ability to...

Here’s Your Sign..

Wouldn’t it be great if it were this easy! I mean,if God would just post this sign in front of our house when we were going through times of testing, wouldn’t it make life a little easier to have this visual confirmation from Him. That this is just a test....

How funny! The Power of a Post-it Note!

I was subbing the other day and, while sitting at the teacher’s desk, saw this note in front of me! At first, I thought, “How did Tim get into this classroom ahead of me to do this?” Then I remembered that this teacher’s husband’s name is...

Thank you, Andrew…

  Andrew Costilow, a student at Kentucky Christian University where my husband teaches, recently ordered new wristbands to wear during the KCU soccer games! He stopped by the gym last night to show me! I just love them! Thank you, Andrew, for making me smile! Nick...