Got Hope???????

I’ve never met a person who “wants” to live a life without hope, but I’ve also never met a person who enjoys times of suffering.Read these words from Paul:Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that...

Putting it All Together…..

As my students were trying to match math terms with their correct definitions, they were often stumped thinking that there was no answer to the definition they were holding. Once we talked through the question, though, and they did some more searching, you could see...

Good Morning!

   Only 5 more days until we leave for Erich and Mallory’s wedding!! Signs of the wedding can be seen in many rooms of our house!! We are so excited! Thank you for praying for Erich and Mallory as they start this new life together. I wanted to share, too, that...

God’s Little Gifts………

Tonight I decided to count my blessings instead of think about why I am so tired…… Sweet students who met Evan a few weeks ago when he volunteered in my room for a few days and  asked if they could send messages to him in the hospital!  Evan loved looking...

In spite of……………..

Yesterday I thought teaching was overwhelming……………….Tonight, it’s motherhood that wins the prize.Evan is in the hospital with a terrible allergic reaction to some sort of bug bites that overtook him while jogging last...