A Small Glimpse of Evan and Maria’s Trip

Evan thought this was pretty funny!  Maybe I have a calling in Peru… This is Evan with Maria’s mother.  There are so many things I’d love to tell you about this beautiful location, but I truly have no knowledge of the history so I have asked Evan to...

Two Special Moments……….

Evan arrived home safely from his trip to Peru at midnight last night after dropping Maria off at her apartment in Morehead!  They had a great time over the holidays with Maria’s family,and I’ll share pictures soon.  He brought home this cake that is a...

When ‘"Looking In" is the Only Option….

I haven’t driven since sometime before December 22nd. I’ve only been in a car three or four times since then to leave our house. Clean pajamas are my daily wardrobe.  I’ve had visitors so thankfully I’ve stayed connected to the planet, but...

Battlefield of the Mind Chapter 17 and a short Book Review

Chapter 17 in Joyce Meyer’s book Battlefield of the Mind is all about the wilderness mentality that says, Someone do it for me; I don’t want to take the responsibility. I don’t know why I am so surprised when God brings together different reading...

What it means to have a Shepherd….

God wants to be more than our Master and Lord. He longs to be our Shepherd.  When I think of what it means to have a Shepherd, I find peace in knowing that even when I don’t know where I am suppose to turn there is Someone with a staff guiding me in my journey....