
Evan thought this was pretty funny!  Maybe I have a calling in Peru…

IMG_0097_resize This is Evan with Maria’s mother.  There are so many things I’d love to tell you about this beautiful location, but I truly have no knowledge of the history so I have asked Evan to be a guest writer on my blog and he said, YES! I am going to ask Maria when she arrives here today! So for today, I just wanted to share a few pictures!  This weekend, I am hoping to have special blog posts by both Evan and Maria about their trip!  And then I want to do the same with Erich and Mallory with their pictures from Italy and Mallory’s pictures from Quebec! Maybe together we will all learn a lot more about different cultures!

I’m excited to learn myself!

For now, please enjoy a few photos from Peru!IMG_0161_resize 





IMG_0308_resize  This is Maria’s brother-in-law and nephew.  From what I’ve heard, her nephew fell in love with Evan and is still crying because he misses him. 🙁

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