Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because,
having stood the test,
that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12
It was one of our vocabulary words at school two weeks ago, and I was amazed at how many students were confusing it up with the word “preserve.”
In a way, persevering does preserve our salvation; but I wanted the kids to understand the depth of the word “persevere.”
See, preserving something just means “to keep up” or “keep safe from harm.”
While this is important, it doesn’t give the image of what it means to persevere.
I had the kids draw pictures.
Some drew a person trying to climb a steep mountain to reach a flag at the top.
Some drew a person racing towards a finish line with sweat dripping off their face.
Persevering means “to keep going.”
Pressing on.
Not just keeping safe from harm but pushing through tough times even when you want to quit.
Do you ever feel like you want to sit down and say “I’m done,” “I’m tired,” “I’m finished.”
Those are the moments when God calls us to do what we can only do through Him………
Especially as we face trials in this life (which we all will), we need to remember the promise that lies ahead at the ultimate finish line!
Not just an earthly crown..
but the crown of LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know about you, but remembering this on a Monday morning after a very busy weekend makes me smile!
I am so thankful that God gave us promises to keep us pressing on!
I love you all so much!
Oh, and the winner of Chicken Soup for the Soul Devotional Stories for Tough Times is Cheri!!! Please send me your mailing address!
Holly, I’ll be placing A Confident Heart in the mail Friday when I mail Cheri’s!
I’ll have another prize give-away soon!
It has to do with Scrapbooking (something I don’t do yet but would love to!)
Have a wonderful Monday,
Tammy you certainly have demonstrated perseverance through your grief, Evan leaving for California, Todd going to college, the walk, and the beginning of the school year. It certaily demonstrates how others can make it through as well, if we think about having that deep faith as you model each day for your bloggers to read. I certainly do enjoy coming to your blog to see what thoughts you have to share with us. It’s chicken soup for the Soul each day. Thank you. I hope the walk went well. Sandy
Determining – again…even more – to persevere! Thanks for the reminder.