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I wanted so badly to list everyone’s names as winners, but I only have two copies of the book to give away. 🙁

holiday giveaway drawing 0003_resize holiday giveaway drawing 0005_resizeSo I prayed and began numbering your names and cutting them into little giveaway drawing 0006_resizeI prayed that all of you will be able to Put God Back in the Holidays!

I hope that many of you will be able to order the book if you did not win.

Click here to order Bill and Penny Thrasher’s new giveaway drawing 0008_resizeholiday giveaway drawing 0010_resizeI placed all the numbers in a bowl and had Olivia and her friend Sarah each draw a number before they left to watch a boy’s basketball tournament. holiday giveaway drawing 0012_resize holiday giveaway drawing 0011_resize   

And the winners are:

Natalie, my sweet friend whose daughter Mallory is in Heaven with Nick; and Jennifer, my sweet friend whose son Tyler is in Heaven with Nick.

Even though I wish I could be typing all of your names…I really, really do…I can’t help but think that God had his hand in choosing two of my grieving friends.

I love you all so much!

I will share highlights from the book from time to time so that all of us can learn a little more about how to Put God Back in the Holiday!!!

God bless your Saturday!

Oh, and I apologize for not keeping my word about announcing a winner last night.  I had a reward day at school, and it was a little too crazy for a blog drawing…….and in the little time I was home last night our Internet was not working yet.  When I finally got home at 10 last night, I was just too tired to pull together an official drawing!!!

I’ll try to have several more drawings as the holidays approach!