The conference this weekend was truly “just what I needed” in so many ways. I am so thankful.
I will share about it in the days to come, but right now I have so many “pressing” things here in my life…
Todd had surgery this morning to remove four impacted wisdom teeth
Maria (Evan’s girlfriend) is getting ready to start teaching for the first time in her life (high school Spanish), so she needs help with her classroom
My in-laws and sister-in-law and her family arrive on Wednesday for a week
Erich is HOME from Africa!!!!! (more about that later)
Olivia and Todd start school Thursday….they both need school supplies
Laundry, laundry, laundry!!
I love you all! Please come back soon!
My words are all backed up in my mind somewhere behind a pile of dirty socks!!
praying for you!
Wow! You really did need to get away to a conference just to prepare you for what was waiting on you when you got back. That’s a lot of stuff, my friend. Please remember to rest and take care of yourself too in all of your serving others.