2009-06-170074 resized Tim, Todd, Olivia, and I slipped away for two days to Santa Claus, IN, with some friends from church!


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If you’ve never heard of Holiday World, you might want to check it out online!


I learned a lot on this little trip that I’ll share over the weekend.

For tonight, I’ll just share this:

Even in a world where it is becoming more and more difficult to share your faith, there is a little place for families where the Nativity Scene is still displayed year round with no fear of being removed and where Christian music is piped through the air and no one is complaining!

Oh, and I almost forgot! 

Free coffee and pop all day everywhere throughout the park!!!!

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Thank you, Jeff, Brook, Cameron, and Ian for a great time!!!

Thank you, Lord, for a nice little vacation in a place that remembers the true “reason for the season” all year long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!