Mom, Olivia, and I went on a walk over Thanksgiving break.
I snapped this picture of Olivia and just couldn’t believe how “grown up” she looks. When did this happen?!?!?!?!?
Cheri, you are right! Our kids grow up way too quickly!
Tim has always used the phrase “being fully present” when talking about spending time with family and friends.
I just love that phrase and have struggled through the years to do just that.
Lord, help me be “fully present” with those I love!
Praying you will “be fully present” with those you love too!
Tammy ,
you are blessed to have this beautiful princess in you life ! She have beautiful eyes !
love you dear friend , Violeta
She is beautiful!! I haven’t left a comment in awhile – but please know that I think of you so much (often daily) and pray for you all of you, too! Covering you in prayer during these holiday weeks ahead….
Hugs, Jennifer
Olivia is absolutely beautiful inside and out. I noticed how grown up she looked when she added me to her facebook. When I first glanced at her photos, my first thought was who is that model Olivia has on her page. Love you and think of you often.
Tammy Mullins
That is an amazing photo. One to be blown up a bit and hung in just the right spot. Great great photo!
Thank you for praying that I and others will be fully present. I am trying so hard before anymore time slips away.
Hugs, Cheri
Olivia is, in a word, stunning! I felt the same way as Tammy when I saw her picture on facebook–how grown up and what a beautiful young lady she has become in just the blink of an eye. She is always such a sweetie and you can tell she has such a pure, wonderful heart. I pray all the time for my boys friends, both now and to come. I’m glad Gunnar has sweet friends like Olivia.
Praying for peace and the presence of Jesus for your family this Christmas season and always!
What a beautiful young lady~~xoxoxo