I climb the dark stairs early.

Part of me thinks “maybe I should be starting a load of laundry or unloading the dishwasher,”

but deep inside I know the real need for cleaning can’t be seen by anyone but me………

and God.

So I take another step toward the room where my Bible waits……..

God’s Word.

I flip on the light and there it is.

Opened and ready to be read.

Waiting for me just like Him.

Always waiting.

Always there.

My reading today is in Job.

We all know the story.

A righteous man loses everything and learns a big lesson.

God is God even in the midst of pain,

and we won’t always understand this life.

Actually, we may never understand.

Maybe just saying that out loud is the first step.

Life was not created to be understood.

Life was created to be lived.

It sounds almost silly,

but it makes so much sense.

Spending time trying to figure out the whys and the whats and the whos and the whens is exhausting,

but embracing today for the beauty of each moment is so freeing.

Every day it’s a choice really.

Cross arms tightly across the chest and see the injustice


hold arms high to Him who will one day bring complete and perfect justice.

I’m reading two great books right now:



The Blue Parakeet

One is stretching the way I think about my faith.

The other is stretching the way I read the Bible.

When I was a little girl,

I thought for sure I would have this whole Christianity thing figured out by the time I was a woman.

Yet here I sit this morning,

still asking questions.

Still growing.

Still learning what it means to truly “let go” and “let God.”

There’s really nothing easy about walking by faith.

Ask anyone who has lost a loved one

or faced betrayal

or been hurt by a friend

or been the victim of a senseless crime

and still turns to God and says,

“Thank you for my life.”

Faith is being able to say “thank you” even as the tears fall,

and I know many with tears falling who do just that every single day.

I’m glad I walked up the dark stairs this morning.

And I’m thankful for a God who is always there………..

waiting in the dark.

Waiting for me to just sit down and spend time with Him.

The laundry will get done.

The dishwasher will get unloaded.

But first things have to come first.

And God, please help me always keep you first.

I need you every day.