I love the verse in I Corinthians that says that “now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” It reminds me of one of those hidden-camera shows where a person thinks they are looking into a mirror only to find out that on the other side of the mirror is someone they know! The look on their face when they realize that what they thought was only a reflection turns out to be someone they know and love…………..and they are now getting a chance to see them face to face! The reunion is always full of laughter and tears. When someone you love is far away from you, phone calls and emails can be very special ways to communicate. But when you are reunited, you quickly realize that NOTHING is as wonderful as seeing someone face to face!

Just imagine how great it will be on the day we meet Jesus face to face! No more need for wondering, no more need for waiting and hoping and trusting…..We will know fully, just as we are fully known!

There’s another verse (James 1:23) that talks about a mirror, though, and this verse can be very challenging. “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.” This verse is a warning to all of us that we must not just listen in Sunday school, take notes during sermons, study Scripture during our quiet time, and read devotionals written by other people. We must DO WHAT THE WORD SAYS!

We must walk our talk. We must practice what we preach. We must be doers and not hearers only.

So, another thought comes to mind when we think of mirrors. It is the thought that we must live a life devoted to God! We must remember what we hear and take it into our world and LIVE IT! We must read our daily devotions and allow them to shape us and mold us. We must study the Scripture not so we become “smarter” but because we want to become wiser.

We all encounter mirrors everyday. The next time you look into one, try to remember these two things:

First, one day we shall see Jesus face to face and this life will fade as a mere reflection of eternity.
And second, when we do meet Jesus we want to hear Him say, “You not only heard my words, but you lived them! Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

I am praying a mirror prayer for all of my children…..and for you!

If we can reflect Christ now, He will give us so much more than a reflection for eternity! What an offer!

Love you all!