Dearest, Dearest Prayer Warriors,

I write this with great fear that anyone who reads it may in some way lose their faith in the power of prayer. I have had the entire day-and believe me it has taken the entire day-to come to grips with what we are facing and now share with you.

First, Nick’s MRI was at 6:30 this morning.

The results were definitely far from what we desired. Nick has a tumor growing somewhere behind his ear that is inoperable. He has another tumor (or bleeding) on the top of his brain, and it appears that there may be some cancer in the bone of his vertebrae. I hope I am saying this all correctly.

Second, at this point there is no surgery scheduled. He will have a catscan in two weeks in Columbus to see what is going on in greater detail.

Until then, Tim is feverishly contacting other medical facilities and doctors to get other opinions.

I have gone from crying to not being able to walk to everything in between. Right this minute, though, all is well. Nick and my mom are in our pool. Nick is a little depressed about the news, but he is once again taking everything with his great spirit. I don’t think he grasps the depths of the news….he just knows that we are waiting for some phone calls. Seeing him in the pool makes me smile and for today I will embrace this smile.

Thank you to ALL of my friends who stopped by to spend time with me throughout the day. THe hugs and prayers meant the world to me.

Thank you, Cynde, for sitting with me this morning while I waited for the call and for dealing with me as I went through every emotion imaginable.

I will write more later. I want to go spend time with Nick in the water.

I love you all and Tim and I still believe that God is working in ways that are higher than our ways.

I keep telling myself that He was not surprised at the news we received today, and He is still on His throne loving Nick and smoothing the rough road ahead of us.

What more can I ask for?

With love and thanks for every prayer,

Joshua 1:9