Olivia couldn’t wait to give me my birthday present that she had bought on a little summer field trip with her school a few weeks ago.
I couldn’t believe it when I opened the little box. I was expecting a bracelet or something with some type of Kentucky charms on it. She had been to the state capitol.
But look what she found for me!!!
The biggest penny I’ve ever seen or held!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Olivia! It is definitely the coolest present ever!
Todd made me a funny card and is showing it to my mom! My kids still have fun making us cards! Of course we never know what they are going to say any more….Thank you, Todd!!
Above is my card from Evan. Thank you, Evan!!
Erich managed to pop in for a few minutes that evening between different parts of his job at KCU, but I didn’t get his picture. 🙁
So I’ll add my kiss from my nephew Phillip.
Somehow God keeps me going. With special gifts, funny homemade cards, and little-kid kisses, but I still miss Nick so much.
This is Nick last year on my birthday. He frosted my cake.
Goodness, I miss him more every day.
Thankful that one day I will be with all of my kids for eternity.
Just praying daily that Erich, Evan, Todd, and Olivia will continue to grow stronger and stronger in their faith.
Very cool present. I hope you had the best birthday possible.
There are times it is so hard and I miss Peyton so much. I know you miss Nick terribly. How glorious the day will be when we see them again! Forever!!!
Hugs to you and your family.
Happy birthday!!! Many sweet blessings for sure!
That huge penny is totally cool..and last’s year photo with Nick – priceless!! So glad you were surrounded with love!
Olivia ROCKS! LOVE IT! I am glad you had such a blessed day! LOVE the handmade cards!