It’s hard to believe that my baby boy will be 13 on Thursday!
Almost half of Nick’s life has been spent fighting cancer, but the smile you see in this picture is the same one he has carried all along the way!
We celebrated his birthday a little early and had such a great day!
Nearly 100 people came to share in a surprise birthday party for Nick out at the farm where some friends and I have planted a garden (see earlier blog about this). We laughed and hugged and talked the afternoon away! It was such a great way to start a week that is sending us back to the hospital for another surgery on Wednesday.
I just wanted to post a photo of my son who needs your prayers and to show you how he faces the days ahead…with a huge smile and a positive spirit!
Thanks for your prayers! Thanks for checking in!
Love, Tammy
You look terrifice!! and Happy Birthday! You are a blessing to all your mom’s blogging friends…I can only imagine what a thrill you are to her heart! You and your mom (and family) are in our prayers this week!
Thanks for the great picture!
Many blessings,
Thanks Tammy!
What a great picture of Nick. You can see what a precious personality he has… Sounds like this is one loved young man!
I sent you some emails, let me know if you would like for me to ask for prayer on Jordan’s site.
I tried to click on to Jennifer’s blog, looks like she does not have one? If you have her email, tell her hi for me. I’d love to meet her too.
Praying, praying and praying some more!
Oops, sorry I hit the button twice!!
Good Morning, Tammy. I found my way here via a prayer request for Nick from Susan at Forever His. I’ll be praying for Nick and all your family as he faces his 6th surgery. I’ll be praying for God’s strength for each one of you, knowledge and surgical ability for the surgeons, and His healing power for Nick.
I’m thrilled to “meet” you, visit your blog, and to pray for all your family.
I found your via sweet Susan’s blog…and I wanted to stop by to let you know that I’m lifting your son, and your entire family to the throne room of grace.
We serve a savior….who’s mighty to save…and MIGHTY to heal.
I’ll be checking back for a MIRACLE update!!!
Hi Tammy,
I stopped by per the request of Susan at Forever His to let you know that I have added nick to my prayer journal and I will be remembering him in prayer on Wednesday as he faces yet another surgery…
My most gracious heavenly Father, you are the God of all comfort. Put your loving arms around this family and give them peace. Be with the doctors tomorrow and guide their hands. Help Nick to heal quickly and to use his circumstances all for your glory. You are an awesome God capable of all things. Thank you for all your loving kindness. In Jesus’ name and all according to your will, Amen
Tammy, I am here via Susan’s blog. Want you to know that I am praying for Nick and your entire family.
What a precious smile he has! I will check in often to see how God provides and take care of His own.
Praying with you,
Hi Tammy,
I also found my way over here from Susan’s blog, Forever His. I want you to know that I will be praying for Nick and your family, as well as pray for steady hands for the surgeon(s). I’ll pray for all medical staff that comes in contact with Nick that they will provide what he needs. You can tell by looking at Nick that he is a wonderful 13-year-old. He has endured a lot in his 13 years. I pray that God grants him many many more YEARS THAT ARE CANCER FREE.
This hits very close to me. My sister is fighting brain cancer as well. She is a bit older (46). She is doing well.
Many blessings for Nick and your family.
Thank you for sharing your precious son with us, I came to your site via Susan at Forever His and what a beautiful smile and spirit your son has. He is in our prayers as well as all of your family. We serve a BIG God and I know He is able so I believe in Jesus Name for your miracle! -God bless, Laurie @
Hi Tammy
I came her via another blog but I just want you to know that I admire the strength that God is giving you – bless His Name! I have a friend who has just gone through his 3rd brain surgery – as I pray for him I’ll be praying for your son too.
I noticed in your “bit about me” blurb that you mentioned that your goal is to memorize as many verses in 2008 – that is my goal too. The Lord has been impressing this upon my heart SO MUCH these days. My verse for 2008 has been Romans 12:2 ‘be transformed – by the renewing of your mind”
This is the desire of my heart. May the Spirit lead and guide you as you search for Him in His Word and abide in Him through the Word.
God Bless
I came over from Micca Campbell’s blog. Your story touched me so deeply. As one mother to another, my heart is with you. Nick is a beautiful (oops, make that handsome) boy! And a gorgeous smile too. I will be praying for him and your family.
Just stopped by to catch up a bit on your life. I’m so happy that Nick got to enjoy such a big party. It’s amazing that he’s battled cancer for so long and yet still smiling. Quite a guy! I read some of your more recent posts and it sounds like a lot is going on right now. Know that I’m praying!