Saturday night as I clicked “publish” on my post, “The Unwrapping of Grief,” I never dreamed that the words I wrote would reach out to so many who were hurting. 

I just knew that for me personally last Wednesday night’s events would stand as my testimony of God’s passionate desire to bring peace to someone who was seeking it.

In the past couple of months I have found myself laughing more often, sensing a feeling of peace more often, and simply being able to rest more often in the knowledge that God is with me even in my sadness.

I have wondered from time to time if this is what it means to reach a place of “wholeness” in my grief, but every time I’ve had this thought, I’ve dismissed it as quickly as it came.

I didn’t like the sound of wholeness without Nick.

Until Wednesday night.

So, when God brought to light so vividly the idea of a broken wholeness through my broken Mary, I couldn’t help but share it.

Just like the thumbs-up cloud, the Rupee, and the mountain, I believed (and still do), that these experiences are not just for me but for all of you.

Yesterday during worship we sang the song, “Overcome.”

I had never really thought about the words in such a deep and meaningful way until yesterday.

I have always sang the part about Jesus overcoming sin and death with a deep belief that He has done just that.

And I am thankful.

I do believe He is worthy of honor and praise even though the whole idea of man choosing to die for the sins of the world is almost more than our human minds can comprehend in our 21st-century world.

But when we got to the chorus of the song yesterday, I could feel my insides almost tremble.

“We will overcome by the power of the blood and the word of our testimony.  We will overcome.”

Revelation 12:11 says,

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

I want to be an overcomer, don’t you?

Know that Jesus’ death on the cross allows you to be an overcomer.

Sharing how God is working in your life is your way of declaring to the world that you He has given you the power to overcome…………

Overcome guilt.

Overcome sin.

Overcome regret.

Overcome insecurity.

Overcome grief.

Overcome brokenness.

Because of Jesus, we have overcome!

That is our testimony.

When David gave his son instructions about building the temple, he said,


“And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.”

I Chron. 28:9

David knew that unless Solomon was willing to acknowledge God, his work for Him would be lacking.

We live in an evil world.

Everyday, I see the need for Jesus’ blood – the need for our testimonies to be shared.

Today, find a way to share with someone you work with, live with, or spend time with……….

the word of your testimony.

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Don’t forget to push pause on my blog music to the right before listening. Praying you overcome today.


Praying for you always!