One of the “messages” that really struck me this past weekend was that “life has to come first”-





Since Nick went Home last November……I still can’t believe it happened……I definitely can’t believe it has been over 8 months…..

It has been hard to dive back into normal things.

Cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, shopping………

Those things that have to be done to keep a house running.

I’ve found myself much like I was in 1992 when we lost Adrienne. Sort-of stuck in survival mode. Not really caring if the clean laundry stays in baskets all over the house. Not really thinking about supper until someone asks me “what are we having?”

You never want to use the word “depressed” when you’re trying so hard to be a Christian who is full of joy, but in some ways, I think I have been feeling just that.

Why do we hide that emotion?

Someone the other day was saying, “I hate to say I’ve been depressed….since I’m a Christian.”

And I replied, ‘You know, I think lots of people in the Bible were at times……Elijah, David, Solomon……maybe even Paul……..” So , I think it’s ok. She smiled and we continued our conversation.

Later it struck me that I am okay with other people feeling normal feelings, but I’m not okay with myself feeling them. Why is that?!?!

Well, anyway, I came home from the conference so inspired, so strengthened, so determined to “get my act back together, be a good mom and wife, and press on for the Lord!”

And now a week has almost passed and I have to tell you……………..

I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had time to stop and write much.

Todd and Olivia have started school.

Maria’s room is decorated and her first day went well as a teacher.

Tim’s parents are here as well as his sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.

I think about all of you every day and long for just a few minutes of peace and quiet just to sit and share more of how God worked this past weekend in order to show me His amazing love even in my pain…….

But for today, I just had to send this note to let you know those words are coming…….


Today I must be a good sister-in-law, aunt, daughter-in-law, wife, mom, and friend……

Loving you all and thanking God for you daily,