I’m subbing today. Yes, my mom is with Nick, and I am actually out in the work world trying to have a somewhat “normal” day! I am in the BD (Behavior Disorder) room today where kids often come when they are not doing what they should be doing in class.

I had to laugh today when one of the students who had been brought down to the classroom looked over at another boy and said, “So what are you in here for?” Actually, I laughed out loud. It was so cute and so innocent and yet so powerful when you think about it.

Kids know when they’ve done something wrong, and kids know that punishment is the consequence. And yet, time and time again many of these kids seem to make the wrong choices placing them right back where they had been the day before….

Aren’t we just like kids?

I know how to be patient. I know how to control my tongue. I know how to encourage my husband and not discourage him. I know how to praise my kids rather than belittle them. I know how keep my thoughts focused on things above. I know how to trust God even though life is very uncertain.

And yet…….

Just like a child, I find myself “right back where I was before” so many times. Feeling disappointed in myself, feeling depressed, feeling guilty, feeling lonely, and the list goes on and on.

The next time I find myself having one of those days where I’m feeling much less worthy of the name Christian than I’d like, I am going to look in the mirror and say, “So, what are you in here for?”

Maybe then, I can begin to hold myself more accountable.

Paul knew just how I feel when he said, “The things I want to do, I don’t do; and the things I don’t want to do, I do.”

I will be looking for Paul when I get to Heaven, because I want to give him a hug and tell him, “thank you” for being honest. He could very easily have been the boy in my class today who was trying to figure out what he had done wrong…………this time.

Grateful for the wisdom of a child’s heart,

PS Nick is having a good day with Mamaw!