august memories first week 006
Last year I gave away about 100 pencils before Christmas.  This year I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep up this pace with the number of students I would have each period, but I didn’t really know how to solve this problem.


I was in the Christian bookstore this summer  (remember when I bought the praise flowers) and there was the nastiest green water bottle on the counter.  When I asked about it, I learned that this was the water that is available to children in many third world countries.

For some reason this hit a nerve in me that had never been hit in such a profound way.  I looked down in front of me and there was Raj, a four year old boy from India.  His eyes swept me away.

As tears filled my eyes, I knew that I was suppose to adopt him as a sponsor through World Vision for some reason.  I didn’t really know why, but I just felt a powerful urge to take his picture home and help his family.

As the employee at the store went to get the necessary paperwork, I thought of my class this year and thought, “This is how I will take care of the pencil problem! I’ll let my students help Raj by selling pencils instead of giving them away!”

august memories first week 004

On the first day of school, I explained to my class what the plan for the year was, and I think they were excited!  Deep inside kids want to help other kids.august memories first week 003  There’s something special about knowing that a pencil is helping a little boy on the other side of the world!

It makes me realize that even though many days I feel about as useful as one pencil in a drawer full of pencils I still make a difference……….

So do you.

My thought for Friday is this:

Be the best pencil you can be and WHO KNOWS HOW GOD WILL USE YOU!!

Sharpen your skills!

Erase your mistakes!

Point people in the right direction!

And create a beautiful masterpiece in the world around you!

From one pencil to another, I love you all!