grief share I receive a daily devotion from a ministry called Grief Share.  If you would like to sign up for these devotions, you can click here.  This morning I had to smile as I read the devotion from yesterday about God’s creation, because last night after church Olivia and I had a moment involving this exact topic! 

Here’s the Grief Share devotion from yesterday:

Enjoy God’s Creation
Day 290
Open your eyes today to the gift of God’s creation. Make a point to look up and notice and savor what you see.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:1-4).
The beauty of creation is crying out daily for you to see and to worship the Creator in response. Live life on a different level today-a higher level.
Elisabeth Elliot says, “It’s our human nature to fret and stew and try everything in the world to satisfy ourselves, but that is never going to be the answer. I myself have found tremendous comfort and joy in observing God’s creation.”
Creator God, what treasures and beauties do You have in store for me today? What new wonder is just waiting to be seen? Amen.


Here’s what happened last night:

After church, Olivia and I ran to the grocery store to get ready for the week.  While we were in the meat department, I got a call from Brandon, one of Nick’s best buddies, asking if I had seen the rainbow in the sky.  I hadn’t, of course, because I had been busying trying to figure out some decent meals for this week and find the best prices on meat.  So, Olivia and I headed to the front of the store to look out the window, and OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!  The rainbow was amazing!  I heard other people talking about it as I approached the front of the store, so I left my cart to step outside and see a complete rainbow brightly shining from one end to the other!  It was breath-taking! 

I had to smile because I knew the Creator of this rainbow, and I knew that He longs to see us enthralled with His creation!  I tried to get the girl who was ringing up my order to step outside and look, but she didn’t seem overly interested.  I did get several people around me to take a minute to soak in the beauty, and I was so thankful that Brandon had taken the time to share the rainbow with me!

So many parts of creation have different meanings to me, but a rainbow has such pronounced power!  I guess the fact that they don’t happen ALL the time makes them extra-special, and the reality that the first one was given to Noah as a promise from God just gives me goose bumps!  To think that I could stand outside a grocery store in a little town in Kentucky and feel the presence of God in such a mighty way! 

My prayer for you today is that you will find a moment to soak in something beautiful from God’s creation that surrounds you.  Maybe it will be a cloud or a flower or even a barren tree that is showing its first signs of spring buds….whatever it is, try to hear God speaking as His created nature “pours forth speech.”

Thankful for Grief Share and thankful for God’s creative ways of saying He loves us.

Blessings from my home to yours,