Sometimes teachers choose to talk in a soft voice in order to get their students’ attention.

Rather than trying to raise their voice above the commotion they simply begin talking softly and eventually the students realize that if they are not quiet they are going to miss something critical in the day’s lesson.   Elijah was running from God when God decided to show up in a whispering voice.

There’s something about a whispering voice that is always true.

You have to be paying attention to hear it.


God’s Word is a lot like a whispering voice.

He doesn’t have His Words blaring at us through giant speakers all over our towns.

He doesn’t fill the air with banners covered with His promises.

He doesn’t force us to hear what He has to say.


No, God placed His promises in a book and then gave us the choice of either reading them or not.

They can stay quietly tucked away on a shelf and never bother us if we choose to leave them there.

Sometimes this seems easier.


No responsibility.

No conviction.

No guilt.



But, I am writing this morning to beg you to consider the power of hearing God’s whispers.

They are full of hope, joy, and promise.


God isn’t going to scream at you.

He will never force Himself into your world.


But, He never stops whispering your name.

Through nature, through life experiences, through His Word,

He is calling you.


One night, about a week after Nick died, I was lying in bed.

Full of anger and extreme confusion, I tossed and turned and felt as if my heart were going to explode.

To make matters worse, Tim was snoring loudly.

Sleeping through my despair.

How could he?

My anger was overtaking my mind.

And in the dark of the night, I heard a real, out loud, whisper,


Just my name.

Nothing more.

I turned to Tim and whispered back, “What?”

And then realized he was still snoring.

Then I heard the whisper again,


I have never been one to claim that I heard God say anything.

I have been reluctant to ever even share that experience on my blog,

but today I feel that it is time to say,

“I heard God’s voice whisper my name.”

After I heard my name the second time, I knew that He was saying, “Calm down, Tammy.”

I knew that He was saying, “I am here in your anger and despair.”

I wish I would have said, “Yes, Lord.”

I wish I would have said, “What, Lord?”

I’ve always wondered if He had more to say that night, but I think He just wanted me to let go of my fury, my feeling of being cheated, my deep agony.

So, I just relaxed and fell to sleep, knowing He was near me.

Today, you may be dealing with something  scary or overwhelming.

You may feel like God has let you down.


I want you to know today that God is there.
He’s right there with you.

You may not hear His voice.

I’ve never heard it before or again since that night.

But I believe He still whispers to me through pennies and heart-shaped rocks and all kinds of different things.

And I especially believe He whispers to me through His Word.


Open it today and ask God to whisper Hope into your soul.

Start with Romans 15:13 if you don’t know where to begin.


I am praying that verse over you all this morning.


“May the God of Hope fill you with

all joy and peace,

as you trust in Him,

so that you may overflow with Hope

by the power of the Holy Spirit.”