It’s easy to feel defeated in life.

Incurable Illness
Death of a loved one
Broken friendships
Lost jobs
Past Mistakes
Failing marriages
Unfair employers
The list goes on and on as to why we may wake up and feel as if life has gotten the best of us.
The devil thrives on our defeat.
He smiles when we lose in life.
He grins when we are slipping.
In John 10, Jesus says,
The thief comes only to 
steal and kill and destroy.
When I look at my life through the lens of this verse,
it’s easier to regain a proper perspective.
In those moments when I sense part of my life or joy or purpose is being
stolen, killed, or destroyed by circumstances,
I am beginning to understand the meaning of spiritual warfare.
I am stronger when I remember I have an enemy who wants to see me fail,
because in those moments I am also reminded of who is NOT my enemy.
I am reminded of who wants to see me succeed.
I am reminded of who loves me.
I am reminded of the One who fights for me and died for me.
I am reminded of  Jesus who followed the words above about the devil with this promise,
I have come that they may have life, 
and have it to the full.
Do you ever feel defeated, overwhelmed, overcome, beaten down?
Do you ever feel as if you have been robbed of something or someone?
Do you ever feel as if you cannot make it another day?
I met a lady last week in jail who told me she was so tired she wished she could fall asleep and just not wake up.
She said every day seemed to bring news of one more thing she was losing.
My heart broke as I looked into her empty eyes,
and I struggled to find any words of comfort.
What could I leave her with as I walked out of the jail that evening?
All I could think of in that moment was Joshua 1:9.
Nick’s favorite verse.
I did not want her to feel discouraged.
I did not want her to feel afraid.
I wanted her to feel strong and courageous.
I wanted her to know that God was with her no matter what.
But as I think about her today and I hope that I get to see her tonight,
I want to share a verse that I believe holds the secret to overcoming everything in this life that seems to want to get the best of us.
In Revelation 12, the devil is finally facing being destroyed.
In this chapter a loud voice from Heaven proclaims victory and proclaims how the victory was won,
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their

In my life I have discovered that these two things are the secret to overcoming life’s struggles.
First, I have to know and believe and proclaim that Jesus died for me.
He conquered death so that I could live a courageous, purposeful life.
Second, I have to share my story of how He rescued me.  I have to have a testimony.
I want this sweet lady in jail to first know and believe that Jesus died for her, taking all her mistakes and failures with Him to the cross.  Because of this, she can experience freedom even in jail.  Second, I want her to know that sharing her testimony within the jail cell will cause her to see life as purposeful, passionate, and full of promise until the day she walks freely again.  She can share God’s love for her with inmates, guards, and even her family back home through phone calls and letters.  I believe she will begin to overcome the devil’s mission to defeat her by the power of the blood and the word of her testimony.
Today, you can overcome your struggles in the very same way.
Remember, you do have an enemy.
Don’t be surprised when life is difficult or unpleasant.
But also remember that you have someone on your side who already won the victory.
Overcome today by the power of His blood and the word of your testimony.