In 1807 Lady Marion Mazzing, a wealthy widow, hosted a tea party…..olivias party 0039_resize

She invited a group of ladies to her mansion under the pretense of planning the next ball, but secretly she was trying to find the perfect wife for her son Lord Edward Mazzing………olivias party 0034_resize

As the evening unfolded, tragedy struck and Lord Edward’s was discovered upstairs  by……..

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Miss Constance Cromwell.

When Lord Edward was found he was holding a mysterious love letter which did not disclose his secret love’s name.

Suddenly, everyone at the party was a suspect.

Who killed Lord Edward?  How? Why?  And who did Lord Edward secretly love?

Accusations were hurled in every direction.

Along with Miss Cromwell, here are the suspects:

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Miss Emily Stratford

olivias party 0213_resize Miss Bethany Chesterfieldolivias party 0214_resizeMiss Mary Petticoat    olivias party 002_resizeMiss Clorinda Rosemonde    olivias party 0217_resizeMiss Hyacinth Huntington

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Miss Gertrude Gershwin

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Miss Charmaine Chamberlain

olivias party 003_resize Miss Elizabeth Montgomeryolivias party 0218_resize

Miss Wilma Winterfloodolivias party 0146_resize Miss Prunella Braithwaite


Tomorrow I’ll share the answers to all of our evening’s unanswered questions!