I haven’t met many people who feel like their prayer life is exactly where they’d like it to be.
We tend to feel like we don’t pray enough or we wonder if God is even hearing us when we do pray.
For some reason, our ability to communicate with God seems so much more complicated than our ability to communicate with our friends.
Maybe part of it is the fact that in our humanness we only see one side of the conversation.
 I’m sure the devil does everything he can to whisper doubt when it comes to this critical part of our experience with God.
This morning as I was reading, though, Hebrews 11:6 jumped out at me as a possible reason for our feelings of inadequacy when it comes to prayer.
And without faith it is impossible to please God,
because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
What if we took a minute to ask two hard questions this morning:
1.  Do we truly believe God exists?
2.  Do we honestly believe He rewards those who earnestly seek Him?
In some ways, these questions seem simple.

Of course, we believe in God.  Of course, we believe He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
But, when it comes to real-world experiences…
How often do we doubt?
How often do we complain?
How often do we question?
How often do we wish for something different?
If we reached a place of complete, undeniable trust in a God who is real and who longs to pour blessings all over us even in the middle of tough times,
what would change about today???
I’m thinking everything would change.
To drive to work feeling overwhelmed with His presence.
To walk into work totally aware of His hand holding ours.
To face stress knowing that the One who created this entire universe says, “Cast ALL your cares upon me….”
To believe with every inch of our being that Jesus says, “I have come to give you life…abundant life.”
I think there would be a lot less negativity in this world if we grasped just how much God longs to be right in the middle of every good and bad experience.
I think there would be a lot more risks taken for the Kingdom.
I want to walk in faith.
This means believing in a God who longs to reward me for earnestly seeking Him.
I want you to walk in faith too.
The devil would love for us to believe that life will only be “so good” here on earth because of all of the evil surrounding us.
But God speaks different words.
This morning, ask yourself these two questions:
1. Do I truly believe God exists?
2. Do I honestly believe He rewards those who earnestly seek Him?
If you can answer yes, then go to God with every question, every concern, every need………
and then trust Him to respond in His time.
If you are struggling to answer “yes” to the questions above,
please know I am praying for you and so are many other people.
Know that God is pursuing you even in your time of questioning.
Don’t be afraid to ask Him to show Himself to you even in your time of doubting……
Luke 11:9-10 –
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for.
Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives.
Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.