When I started blogging four years ago, I never dreamed that my writing would become any more than my outlet for sharing Nick’s fight with cancer and how God was with us every step of the way.
Today, I realize that my blog has become so much more to me.
It draws me to my quiet time with God and makes me “sit” and “be still.”
Every morning.
It pulls me into His Word.
And then causes my heart and my mind to ponder things I may have never pondered before.
It is my quiet place.
It softens me.
It humbles me.
It stretches me.
It beckons me.
I believe that God knew that in order to keep me from stuffing down all my fears, doubts, and anxieties, I needed an outlet.
A safe place to pour out what was deep within me.
But recently, I realized it has done even more for me……..
It has allowed me to become friends with so many people whom I may never get to hug this side of Heaven.
I want to start naming new friends but hesitate for fear of leaving someone out, but know that I am thinking of a flow of names as I type this and I pray for you.
And I also become concerned when I haven’t heard from you in a while.
For the past few weeks, I haven’t heard from my sweet Australian friend, Jen, and I have found myself whispering prayers for her, wondering if all is well with her.
Jen, please let me know that you are ok “down under.”
Blogging has pulled me out of my comfort zone and sat my heart in all sorts of countries and in so many different time zones.
And with my heart comes my love.
So, know this, when you post a comment, when you send an email, when you send a note on Facebook, I smile. I care. I pray.
I love you all so much.
You have become part my of my family, and I am thankful for each of you.
I’m reading in the Gospels right now about Jesus’ ascension to Heaven and how the disciples gathered to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised would come to them. And how He told them that they would be His witnesses in Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
I want to be that kind of witness, and I love that through blogging I am able to share His love and His story with the world.
If you read this today and do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I’d love to talk to you.
Email me at tammynischan@yahoo.com. I want to share the Hope of Heaven with you.
Committed to blogging until He calls me Home,
I am so happy I found your blog Tammy. Isn’t it a wondrous gift that God has given us to find friends even through the atmsophere who love Him. I hope all is well with you and things are settling down for you. Hugs to you. Sandy