Fifteen Today
The years – they seem to fly right by.
We laugh, we hug, we fight, we cry.
Life isn’t easy…..especially for a girl
in her early teen years in a messed-up world.
Self-esteem, self-worth, self-image and more
words about self than you could find in a store.
How does a girl survive today?
How does she know what to think or to say?
I look at her young little face in the mirror
and wonder what thoughts were behind that sweet smile.
I’m sure at the time she was totally happy
to sit and stare for a long, long while.
Reflections are fun when we are so young.
The world’s cruel lies haven’t begun.
But as we grow older and begin to see
Parts of us that we don’t like to be……
It’s harder to stare.
It’s tempting to run.
It’s easy to forget
That God’s only begun.
So, my prayer today,
for my sweet teenage girl
is a year of discovering
again how to twirl.
I’m praying for more laughs,
more joy, more peace.
I’m praying she learns on God’s
Word to feast.
I want to see Olivia confidently stand
as a teen who loves Jesus
more than any new band.
I want to see her help
her peers who need love…
and become a friend to the friendless
so they know Whose above.
I want her to look in her mirror and see
A reflection of Him who loves her deeply.
I want her to know that each day is a gift
And through all the world’s messages, she must carefully sift….
Constantly sorting the good from the bad.
Leading to happy moments not sad.
I’m thankful today for each moment with her.
She’s deep with her thoughts and makes my heart stir.
As I dive into Monday, I had to take time
To reflect on my girl with a short little rhyme.
I’m praying today that each of you will see
a person in your mirror who God loves deeply.
Stare for a minute and know with a smile
Don’t fight the love
Don’t try to run.
His work with you
Has only begun.
….he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Phil. 1:6
What a special gift for Olivia! Happy Birthday, Olivia! You are a precious gift of God! You are very special to our family! Love you bunches!
Oops! The previous comment was from the Bush’
That was beautiful Tammy, something for Olivia to treasure into those years to come.
I hope this new year brings you all the desires of your heart. You are a blessing to those of us who read this blog.