It’s one of those mornings.
The alarm sounds and the only thing that really wakes up is the deepest part of my soul.
Questions I can’t answer dance through dark places in my mind,
and I wonder how I will step out in today.
Sometimes facing the world is just too much when you can’t even face the facts.
I try to pray.
Words seem empty.
He promises to be okay with these prayers, these groaning, wordless ones, but still……….
I should have more to say than this.
And then I remember………….
I remember the verse that carried me through Nick’s cancer.
I remember the verse that carries me through my grief.
And I know it will carry me today.
Psalm 119:147
I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.
Rising before dawn means I’m at least willing to face my fears.
As I stumble through the darkness, I know He’s coming.
His light will peek through my window in time,
and a new morning will appear.
Golden yellow and deep orange beauty will line the horizon as the darkness of night mixes with daylight.
Beauty will certainly rise, and because of this I can rise too.
He showed the world long ago the power that comes from rising,
He reminds us all every single day.
God surely knew this daily appearance of the sun would point us to something bigger, something better.
If only I would open my eyes and really look, I could witness this miracle every single morning.
So I rise before dawn to share in the wonder of this moment.
And as I rise, I cry out,
because crying out is all I’ve got today.
And for today, that’s enough.
Just to know His light is coming.
That’s all I really need.
Isn’t that all we ever really need?