I wonder what she was thinking.
A young mom.
A stable filled with shepherds not nurses and doctors.
Not even her mom to share in the joy.
A manger for a crib.
Straw for the bedding.
On so many levels, there was nothing sterile or easy about the world Jesus entered.
Yet nothing is said about Mary complaining or questioning this night.
No, the Bible only mentions three things that Mary does on this night we have long since called “Holy.”
She wrapped Jesus in swaddling cloths.
She laid Him in a manger.
And she treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
I’d love to know what Mary was thinking as she wrapped Jesus up and placed Him in the straw.
Did she realize she was wrapping up the Savior of the world?
As His tiny little hands touched hers,
could she feel the healing power He would bring to a messed-up world?
As she counted each little toe,
could she even imagine where His feet would walk and the message of peace they would bring as He traveled?
Did Mary look into His little dark eyes and see a reflection of herself?
Did she feel inadequate, unprepared, unqualified for such a role of mothering?
Did God somehow slip down with Jesus and bring her an extra bit of peace and strength to make it through all this role would ask of her?
I hope I get a chance to walk down a street of gold one day with Mary and talk about that night.
Why do I think we might laugh as she reflects on the memory?
Why do I think there are funny stories not recorded in the Bible about things she said to Joseph in the stress of the moment or
things the shepherds tried to say as they stumbled over their words in the presence of a baby king laying in hay?
Mary wrapped our Savior in swaddling cloths.
She laid Him in a manger.
She treasured up the memories and ponder all that happened.
And she trusted God with the rest of the story.
What is God asking us to wrap up and lay down today?
What is God asking us to treasure up and ponder?
Today, think about Mary’s simple faith in the midst of a not-so-simple life.
God was with her in the stable.
And because of His arrival in a tiny town in Bethlehem,
He’s with us today.
If Mary could lay down Jesus and trust God with the rest of the story,
surely we can trust Him with our story too.
Beautiful post Tammy. I love were you said maybe God slipped down to give her an extra bit of peace. So lovely to think about that…how He also “slips” down to cover us in all situations, but especially when we need that extra little bit.
Thank you!
I do not know where I would be without His “slipping down” into my life.
Love you, friend!!