“The people who slowly become typical have the greatest problem wrapping their minds around a dynamic friendship with an invisible, alive God.”

…from Love Does, by Bob Goff

When I read this sentence this morning, I had to stop and read it several times in a row.

I love the thought of having a dynamic friendship with God, and I really love the idea of it being okay to not be “typical.”

When I look at the clouds and think I see things like the word, “HI,” or a cross or the sun shining through in a very special way, I love thinking that maybe, just maybe, God is speaking to me.

When I see a heart chipped out of pavement in the parking lot, I love feeling special……in a very “un-special” moment.

I’ve often wondered if when we get to Heaven God might show us all the times He tried to say “hi” and we missed it.

Maybe we’re looking down at our phones when a butterfly passes by with a color so brilliant it would have taken our breath away.

Maybe we are so focused on the yard needing mowed that we miss the sight of one little wild flower popping up in the midst of weeds.

Who knows how many times God tries to get our attention, but our hectic schedules, our fast-paced lives, get in the way of our friendship with the Creator of the Universe.

I am probably the last person to talk about slowing down………..

But deep inside I know this,

In the midst of being a full-time employee of a school system and the mom of a busy high school girl and a volunteer at church, I make my relationship with God a very important part of all I do.

I talk to God often in the car as I’m driving.

I look for messages in clouds.

I listen for His messages in the voices of friends and strangers.

Yes, I’m in a busy little season.

I’m trying to soak up every part of Olivia’s high school career because I know how quickly she’ll be off to college and then my role as “mom” will end in the fulltime sense,

but even in the craziness of our life right now,

my friendship with God is growing deeper and deeper


I feel less and less typical every day.

And I love it!

Today, do something “untypical” as you go about your day.

Look up instead of down.

Look out instead of in.

Talk to God out loud in your car.

Whisper a prayer as you’re teaching or taking care of a patient or whatever it is your job involves….

Do something to break the “typical cycle” of life and embrace the idea of having a dynamic friendship with an invisible, alive God.

I promise you’ll feel His presence in a special way when you do!

He’s with you.

He’s waiting.

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you,

he will quiet you with his love,

he will rejoice over you with singing.”

Zeph. 3:17