Late Night Thoughts…………….

Tim is up late tonight writing two funeral sermons.Two precious men from our community were killed this weekend in a motorcycle accident, both leaving hurting families trying to cope with such sudden and tragic loss.I’ve been cleaning and doing some...

What was I thinking????????

This is Susan, another sweet friend I met at She Speaks.  Her blog “Runner Mom” enticed me one day as she sent out a challenge to any women interested in running early in the morning before the conference began.  I let her know that I was really a walker...

His Banner over Me is Love

When we were placed in our beginner’s speaker evaluation groups, we had to share our story in “three minutes.” Christi, pictured with me above, shared about her life of being in beauty pageants….Miss North Carolina pageant alone 5 or 6 times!!...

So Much More To Share……But Life has to Come First

One of the “messages” that really struck me this past weekend was that “life has to come first”-GodFamilyFriendsResponsibilitiesSince Nick went Home last November……I still can’t believe it happened……I definitely...

Thank you, Jennifer Rothschild

  I was so shocked to see Jennifer Rothschild on the schedule as the speaker for Saturday evening’s She Speaks service!! WOW!! I just couldn’t believe that God was allowing me to hear yet another of the amazing women who had helped me so much through...