Cherish Today……..

Six memory boxes sit by my family room door waiting to be mailed to six different families who have lost children in the past few months.Last night, I wrote six cards then taped and addressed each box. Today Tim will deliver them to my friend Brenda who will mail them...

Cause and Effect…….

Understanding cause and effect within a passage can help in overall reading comprehension, so I spent some time with my seventh graders last week working on this reading strategy. Our story was all about the causes and effects of flooding.. As we were looking at...

Staying Balanced……..

I played Jenga with my sixth graders Friday, and it was so funny to listen to their comments as our tower became less and less stable. As you can see, we had a few daredevils who thought that taking pieces from the very bottom of our structure was the most fun! Of...


I wanted so badly to list everyone’s names as winners, but I only have two copies of the book to give away. 🙁 So I prayed and began numbering your names and cutting them into little strips.I prayed that all of you will be able to Put God Back in the Holidays! I...


Just wanted to let you know that I will be having the drawing today at school around 9 a.m., and I will announce the two winners this evening!If you haven’t posted a comment under Holiday Giveaway below, you still have a little time!!Our Internet wasn’t...