A Thank You to My Boys………..

Sometimes you don’t realize how special a part of life is until that part is gone. Not that I don’t enjoy my Olivia moments, but I am missing my days as the mom of busy little boys. I’m missing the daily sounds of Zelda, Maria, or Madden football...

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings…………….

We’ve all said or heard the phrase, “You’ve got to start somewhere.” It’s one of those things we say when we realize we have a goal that seems unreachable yet desirable enough to begin journeying towards. I love that God understands that...

Sacrifice Must Come Daily………..

In Daniel 8, Daniel has a vision in which he sees this happen in the heavens, “The daily sacrifice was halted and truth was overthrown.”   Sometimes in life, I think this happens for us. We get in a cycle of “getting things done, achieving our goals,...

"October Baby"

9/11 will forever be a date etched into our memories. Most of us can all recall exactly where we were when the horrific scenes began playing on TV screens that morning. Our country became a different kind of country that day.   More united.  And honestly, more aware...

The Temple, Holiness, and Us

My daily Bible reading is in Ezekiel right now, and SHEW! I’ve been reading about the measurements and the details of the temple for the past couple of days. So much measuring. So many layers. So many rooms. So many purposes. So much protection for what is holy....