In January of 2005, I started my Masters program in Middle School Education with a Gifted and Talented Endorsement. Little did I know what was facing our family in the years to come.

I remember logging on to hospital computers many times late at night to finish assignments, read research articles, and post comments on online discussions. I remember being at Carla’s house MANY times until the wee hours of the morning trying to focus so that I could get the next task completed in a list of what seemed like endless tasks. I remember last fall when Nick was so sick that I almost dropped out for the third or fourth time. But Carla kept me going through my tears.

Then in January when I was so consumed with grief, I’ll never forget sitting in a meeting at Georgetown College where I learned that I had to assemble not one but THREE portfolios in order to graduate. Two of them involved going back over the past four years and matching assignments with their designated standards within the Kentucky Core Content. I CRIED ON THE WAY HOME and truthfully felt like I had wasted the past four years of my life.

But then I remember one snowy afternoon in February sitting on the floor in our living room with all of my papers around me and finally diving in and determining that if God had gotten me this far then surely He could push me just a little farther.

And He did!!graduation 175

Thanks to a patient and encouraging husband, grace-filled children, understanding professors, unbelievable praying friends, and ESPECIALLY to Carla for literally being my right hand, I was able to walk through the line at Georgetown College yesterday and hear my name announced as a 2009 graduate of their Master of Arts in Education program!


The only Master that really matters!

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I couldn’t resist a little praise time!

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We did it, Tim!!

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Ernie, I love you and Pam so much!

Thanks for sharing the day with me and Tim!

graduation 222 I just had to pose on the Georgetown wall!

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Pam, I love you! You are such a believer in me. Thank you!

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They all laughed at my “tail.” So they made me pose.

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Nick, all of my portfolios were graded and approved on your birthday, May 22nd! Thank you for the gift! I miss you so much!

You keep me going.

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Tim, you believe in me even when I don’t. Thank you!

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Carla, I couldn’t have done it without you, friend!!

Seriously, you earned this too!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about the rest of the day!

Phil. 4:13

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”