Football season is beginning soon.
Tim is trying to get back into the “swing” of his fantasy football teams. This was something that Nick and Tim enjoyed so much.
As I was doing lunch duty the other day, I was talking to the boys as they went by and one boy was telling me about his favorite video game…
Madden 11
My heart sank as I tried to keep a smile on my face.
Nick saved his birthday money every year in May so that he would be ready to go to WalMart at midnight in August when the next edition of Madden came out.
I miss those days.
So does Tim.
I just had to slip back in time this morning and find a happy picture of Nick wearing a football jersey. This Saturday at 11:30 a.m. our county junior football league (Carter County JFL) is dedicating their field to Nick. There will be a mural of Nick in his uniform on the side of the building eventually and an engraved rock on the 50 yard line that shares Nick’s favorite verse – Joshua 1:9. (Be strong and courageous..) They are naming the field The Field of Courage.
I’m honored that Nick is leaving such a legacy, but his smile is missed so much in this house.
I think that is why verses like this one are in the Bible:
Phil. 3:15
I press on toward the goal to win the
prize for which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus.
If I am going to survive my grief, I have to cling to verses like this one.
While I can slip back in time and give thanks for all the wonderful years with Nick, I have to keep pressing on…..
so that I can win the prize!
Nick has won the race of a lifetime!
If you are reading this, you are still in the race!
Live for Jesus.
Press on toward the goal.
Win the prize.
Someday I want to hug all of you at the finish line!
All My Love,
What an honor! We have so many things to make us smile 🙂 especially the memories of our boys.
I believe our finish line is on the horizon!!!
Hugs to you, Tammy.
Tammy, thanks for the encouragement!
and that sure is a precious picture of Tim and Nick…precious memories!
This football season, I believe Nick is still as anxious as he used to be! And while we all scramble to get to our seats and watch the games, remember: he has a much better seat than any of us do! Love you, friend! {{{hugs}}}
Tammy, I’ve thought of you so much lately. I took my oldest to college five hours away and it’s been so hard to let go and be away from him. But I know he’s coming back.
So often I’ve thought of your situation and realized how hard it really has been for you. I can’t imagine. You are one strong woman!
It makes you appreciate heaven so much more because of the reunions that will take place. Thank God we have that hope to cling to! As the song says, “What a day of rejoicing that will be!”
What a wonderful thing they are doing by dedicating the field to Nick and I absolutely love the name they are giving it!
Hugs to you, sweet friend. I admire you greatly!
What an honor! That really shows how much Nick must have left his mark. And think of the lives he continues to touch?
Mal loved football and was a cheerlearer so I am trying to gear up for the season too!
God Bless,
What a wonderful way to honor Nick – such a blessing to be remembered in such a tangible and “large” way. Love that picture of Nick and his dad!!
Just wanted to stop by today and give you a hug! Think of you often….
Thank you to all of you, my precious blogging friends! I wanted to apologize for having the wrong Scripture reference. It is actually Phil. 3:14……..early morning blog posts are often filled with errors! 🙂
Love you all! Thank you for every prayer.
A deep sigh from me.
love you.