When Nick’s cancer came back in 2006, we decided that having college kids over to the house was just more than we could handle. So, other than little visits from time to time, we stopped having discipleship groups and game nights.
Our five kid had loved these kinds of night for the 16 years before this, so it was a big change for our family but one we felt was necessary so that we could focus on the huge and difficult journey ahead of us.
Four years have passed since our lives were turned upside down by cancer, and truthfully, I’m not sure our lives will ever be totally “right side up” again while on this planet.
However, Tim and I decided to place ourselves in the faculty auction this year and offer a night of games and snacks to a group of college kids.
And I just wanted to share a few memories from last night with you. You will see as you scroll down that Olivia had so much fun! It was hard not having any of our boys here for the night…..time has changed so many things in our home. But, it was great to see Olivia laughing with college kids and getting very “serious” about the game of Bunko. She even dug out some Halloween gear to prepare for the competition.
I’m thankful this morning for the gift of laughter and since I forgot to do my Multitude Monday, please let me share a Thankful Tuesday by adding to last week’s Monday list through this blog post.
Things I’m thankful for, cont.
14. College kids who love Jesus
15. Lids of pan that served well as a cowbell when I couldn’t find mine..
16. College kids that pop in just to see what’s going on and then stay for awhile to visit.
17. Halloween costumes that can be used anytime
21. Dollar Tree prizes that bring so much joy!
22. God’s grace which allows us to do things we thought we could never do……
With God all things are possible…………..
Praying the impossible becomes possible for you today through God’s power,
Having a college student for the first time this year, I appreciate your ministry to these kids even more that I would have before. Looks like such a fun time! Makes me want to do the same.
P.S. This is off topic, but what color are your walls painted? They look beautiful, but I can’t tell if they are tan or golden. I’m looking for a paint color and I really like how yours looks.
Oh, Bonita,
Thank you. My walls are actually called “brown sugar.”
I am trying to remember the brand, and I can’t. I will try to find out. 🙂
I hope your son is doing well in his freshman year!
Love you,
Tammy 🙂
Tammy- I miss this so much. The D-groups I attended are some of the best memories. I miss you and Tim and hope to make it to see you some day. Love you!
It’s looking more and more like you’ll get to take pics of my little girl next year! She’s already planning to come over and visit you!
Jesse! You are welcome here ANYTIME!!!!!!!! We have plenty of room for a weekend visitor! 🙂
And Christine, I am so excited!!
Love you both!
Tammy I was so happy to read this. Even though you feel in your heart that your life will never be the same, we know it can’t be, but you are slowly moving on. What grace the Lord is giving you each day to continue to grow with so many insights, and now doing good for someone else’s children again in spite of your pain. It is difficult for us mothers to let our children go to grow here on earth and an unmeasurable pain to send them to heaven. You are a remarkable mother in my eyes and I only know you through your blog. God bless you Tammy. Sandy from MD
D-group held some of my favorite college memories — mostly thanks to you and Tim. Love and miss you guys!!! (Although I feel way too old since I have a kiddo older than Olivia was when I graduated college!)
That makes me feel old!!! I’m always up for trying another d-group reunion! Maybe we need to plan for a year in advance and advertise A LOT!
Love you!
Come visit anytime!
Of course, I feel old too because you were younger than Jacob when you were at my wedding! AAAAAA!!!!!!