Even on the darkest days, reasons can be found to praise.
So I’m branching out and joining bloggers who have committed to finding 1000 Gifts of Gratitude!
Every Monday I will list a multitude of things I am thankful for, and I won’t stop until I reach 1000 gifts!
Grab a notebook and start your own list! Share them here if you can!
Here I go!
1. Monday night football with Todd and Tim
2. Olivia blowing bubbles next to me
3. A unit of lesson plans on the book The Outsiders being shared with me by a fellow teacher
4. Hot tea on a sore throat
5. My dishwasher
6. Old friends
7. Candles
8. Thank you notes so I can say “thank you” to so many who are needing to hear from me in a special way for all they do to make my life easier
9. Ice cream on a cold night
10. The peace that surpasses anything I can understand when I think of Nick and Adrienne safe in the arms of God
11. The smile I can feel warming my face when I think of Nick, and the strength God has somehow given me to keep pressing on
12. Warm blankets
13. My Bible
I Thess. 5:18
“…..give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Next Monday I’ll share a multitude more!
Awesome, my gifts of gratitude are:
The gift of being Sawyer’s Mom! We just celebrated his 17th birthday.
My job as a middle school counselor, I love it!
Molly, our boxer!
Friends I work with.
My sister, Jenny, I can always share with.
Laptop, I hate to write!
Sharing llife with hubby, Bryan.
Ashleigh, even though she is away at college, she still checks in to make me feel better!
Wed. Nite Bible Study with friends!
My new “Busy Mom’s Bible”!
Have a great week,
I just ordered her book today! It’s gonna be hard to wait till Januaryto get it. I love Ann Voskamp! She has taught me many a thing. Today Iam thankful that God made her just the way he did.
Those are great ones! Taking a suggestion from that giveaway book, I started writing them down and keeping them in a little box. It’s amazing that every day (and sometimes several times during the day) I think of things to write down that would usually slip my mind.