Erich with his “Relay for Life” Cake Auction Creation!
Montezuma’s Revenge!!!!!!!!!!!
Erich and Jake baking away!!!!!!!!!!
My kitchen hasn’t smelled this yummy in a long time!!

I heard their cake went for $40 at Gregoryville Christian Church’s fundraiser!! Way to go, guys!
First Church of Christ hosted a Mexican dinner for
Nick’s Chick’s Relay for Life team today.

Donations came in at over $600!!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped!

If you would like to support Relay for Life you can do so by going to their website and finding a Relay for Life team near you, or you can go to and click on the “donate” button.
If you make a donation through Nick’s site, please email me at and let me know that you want this money to specifically go to our Relay for Life team.
All other donations will be used in our 6 other areas of ministry.

Now for the Blog Challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!

For over a year now, I have been “telling” a friend of mine who runs on a regular basis that I really want to start running with her…I’m just not motivated.

Well, tonight I learned through the brain tumor support group I belong to that today in Washington D.C. there was a 5K Run/Walk (The Race for Hope) for “a world without brain tumors.” I also learned that David Cook, one of the top finalists on American Idol last season, lost his brother just this morning to an 11-year battle with brain tumors. David has been a huge fundraiser for this annual event and still made his appearance today at the race. I thought that was so admirable. (Please keep his family in your prayers.)

As I read about the event, I just knew that this was God’s way of motivating me!! I told Tim, “Next year I want to run in that race.” I never dreamed that God would use a computer screen to motivate me to run, but He did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, here’s my challenge to all of you……..if anyone wants to start walking now for practice and even move on into running and then try to join me for next year’s event, I would be so excited to meet you!!!!! I thought we could create our own team or something!! We have until next April to register, so be praying about this if it sounds like something you might want to do!

I’ll keep you posted on my “abilities….” For now, I just want to make it three miles walking without a cramp…then we’ll see what happens next!!!

I told my mom a week or so ago that my life mission statement is this: “Tammy Nischan exists to please God and to make Nick roll his eyes as often as possible.” I am sure that Nick is rolling his eyes at the thought of his mom running on the streets of Washington D.C. for any reason at all……… 🙂

Finally for my blog favor. I’m trying to update my blog and one of the things I want to do is add your blogs (if you have one) to my blogroll. I think that last year some time I may have asked for your blog addresses, but so much has happened since then.

So, here’s my favor: Could you please email me your blog address? Send it to I really want to be visiting your blogs too!!!!