If you have a problem of any kind, you can probably find a ten-step program available to help you overcome it.

Books that begin with , ‘Ten Steps to…..”

catch our eye on a bookstore shelf.


Whether it’s peace, weight loss, drug addiction, or financial security,

someone has come up with a plan to help us.


I’ve tried some ten-step plans in my life for various things,

but I’ve found the biggest step is the first one.


Whether it’s losing weight or paying off your debt,

you have to start tackling the problem before you can ever think about having victory over it.


This morning I feel a bit overwhelmed,

but I’m thankful for the power of the first step.


It’s the step that says,

“I can do today.”


It’s the step that says,

“Even though I don’t feel equipped, I walk with the One who is able to equip.”


It’s the step that says,

“I don’t have this, but He does.”


It’s the step that says,

“I trust you even when I don’t trust myself.”


It’s the step that says,

“I am not so many things I need to be, but He is I AM so I have nothing to fear.”


I don’t know what your day looks like, or your week, or your month, or your year.

But I promise this.


Every step you take with Him is a step you won’t regret.


And it all starts…….

with the first step.


In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the LORD establishes their steps.

Proverbs 16:9