10 They will neither hunger nor thirst,
nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them.
He who has compassion on them will guide them
and lead them beside springs of water.
11 I will turn all my mountains into roads,
and my highways will be raised up.
This is the road to my grandpa’s house.
Long. Straight. And mostly very, very flat.
When I read Isaiah 49, I have to think that someday I’ll look back on my life and realize that as I was facing deep valleys and high mountaintops, God was there keeping all things even.
I’m in a rush this morning. There is more snow coming down.
Todd is still sleeping.
Olivia and her three little friends are still sleeping…worn out from two hours of ice skating in their snow boots on the soccer field across from our house!
And I am leaving to run to the church and help serve lunch to people who have no electricity.
But as I sat here this morning and saw this picture, I thought to myself,
“Thank you, Lord, for being the one straight constant in an ever-changing world. Thank you, Father, for keeping me level when I feel very down or very up. Thank you, Lord, for directing my steps. Help me stay on the straight and narrow for You tell us that the crooked road does not lead to peace.”
Until later,
Thanks, I really appreciate the reminder of our One Great Constant. We are going through some hills and valleys, yet I must remember the Great I Am who remains constant when the world seems inconsistent.