Watching the scenes play out in Egypt over the past two weeks has been very moving.
It’s been especially moving to watch thousands chant for freedom in Egypt while at the same time reading in Exodus about Pharoah’s refusal to free the Israelites from slavery. Time after time his heart was hardened as Moses came to Him pleading for the release of God’s people..
Today, Egypt is free from a dictator after 18 days of heavy protesting.
Years ago, after ten horrible plagues, the Israelites were freed from Pharoah’s power.
Today as I was reading in Exdous, I was struck by something The Israelites had only been experiencing their new found freedom for a short time when Moses was called up to the top of Mt. Sinai to receive words from God.
In no time at all, the Israelites gave up on him and turned to Aaron saying, “We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt. Make us some gods who can lead us.”
I wonder what would have happened if they had turned to God at that time instead of turning to Aaron?
I hope the Egyptians turn to God now and not to another human being or a false god as they learn to walk in freedom.
We have all been offered freedom in Christ Yet, how often do we turn to other people and things when we need guidance and direction?
I am guilty every day. And in my guilt I find myself slipping into feelings of bondage when Jesus is right there all along……
offering the same freedom He gave me on the day I became His.
My prayer today is that all of us can walk in the freedom Jesus offers and, like the Egyptians, realize that as Christians we should be chanting everyday,
WE ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.