It caught Erich and Todd’s eye as we entered a restaurant at 3 a.m. on the night of Black Friday (which is a whole other story I’ll save for another day)…

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Todd even decided it was worth the investment of a quarter…… thanksgiving weekend 009_resize What was it that made them laugh, made them notice, made Todd purchase?

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It was this.  A chance to be someone else (not really)….

It’s more about the fact that even with a mustache and new eyebrows and sideburns, it was obvious that this was still a little boy……

Don’t we hide behind things just as silly?

Smiles when we’re having a hard time.

Excuses when we don’t feel up to doing what we know we should do.

Our past so we don’t feel guilty when we don’t move on with God’s future for our lives.

So many things to hide behind, but thankfully, God is the true Master…

And he sees through our disguises.  He knows what we’re hiding behind.

So, today, I felt challenged to ask myself, “What am I hiding behind?”

I want to live an authentic life.

I know you do too.

Have a great day being YOU!
